感謝學校設立這個獎項,對照著所有必要條件,看著自己的大學清單能夠一項一項打勾,很開心能夠全都完成了!我可以問心無愧的說,四年期間我盡力了! 中原的培養讓我看到世界的廣大,發表了國際性論文、參加了全國性比賽,我遇到了很多優秀的人們,讓我深受啓發。
各式經歷也看到了自己的不足之處,這讓我更加明確了自己未來的方向和目標。 感謝一路相遇,所受到的幫助無數,謝謝應華系上老師們的指導和幫助;謝謝星探宜文、昕諺、鈺雯、依琳在工作和活動中給予我機會和磨練;特別感謝水怪映璇、凱娣、怡禎在這四年一起走過無釐頭又荒謬的每一天,希望以後功成名就發財了不要忘記對方,再一起去吃麥當勞(姐~我們來了) 。
I’m grateful to CYCU for establishing this award. As I compared it against all the necessary criteria, it brought me great joy to see each item on my university checklist marked off one by one. After diligently sowing the seeds, I’m now reaping the bountiful fruits. I can proudly say that I’ve given my all over these four years! I’m thankful for all the encounters and countless assistance I’ve received along the way.
The nurturing environment at Chung Yuan Christian University has opened my eyes to the vastness of the world. From publishing international papers to participating in national competitions, being an exchange student to teaching Chinese internationally, overseas visits to various experiences, I’ve encountered many outstanding individuals who have deeply inspired me. Through these diverse experiences, I’ve also come to recognize my own shortcomings, which have further clarified my future direction and goals.
I also want to express my gratitude to all the teachers and professors of TCSL. Special thanks to Often, Jeremy, Cheryl, and YilIn for their guidance and support throughout my university journey. Additionally, I’m grateful to my classmates Lucy, Kaiti and Betty who in the Loch Ness Monster group.Every nonsensical and absurd moment of joking around with you guys at school is something I’ll cherish deeply from these four years. Here’s to hoping we all thrive in our respective fields in the future, and please make sure to find time to grab a meal at McDonald’s together! I apologize for not being able to express my gratitude to each one individually, but it’s sincerely felt in my heart.
In the future, I will continue to persist and strive. “Self-discipline + effort + method + persistence + time” is the key to excellence.